Lazy Days Are Here Again

 Friday Favorites

It’s about time that my unplanned blogging hiatus come to an end. Although, a week of relaxation after traveling for concerts, preparing for company, hosting the boy’s parents for a week and celebrating the boy’s birthday was just what the doctor ordered. And by doctor I mean me and my laziness.

Last week, I spent my days getting up at the crack of dawn for work, playing tour guide during the afternoons and enjoying an endless amount of card games at night. By the end of the day, I could barely keep my eyes open and was basically falling into bed at night. One night I unexpectedly passed out at 8:30 PM. When did I become such a grandma?!

My narcoleptic tendencies aside, it was a very tiring, but fun week.

So let’s take a look at some of my favorite moments from my mini blog vacation:

Troy’s Birthday.

Troy and I spent his birthday enjoying our alone time together. After a week of spending time with his family and mine it was much needed. We enjoyed lunch at a new restaurant, a quick browse through the bookstore, spending some of his birthday money on his truck, catching a movie and snuggling up on the couch that night. All in all a very good day indeed.

Homemade Breakfasts.

This was a definite perk of having Troy’s parents here for a week. Most days I had a hot homemade breakfast waiting for me when I finished work in the morning. I loved the fresh aroma of bacon wafting into my office as I closed up shop for the day. Do you think I could convince Troy to make me breakfast before he leaves for work in the mornings?

Bacon, Breakfasts

Botanical Gardens.

Troy and I have been to the gardens before for their movie in the garden series, but we had never looked around. So a visit from his parents was the perfect excuse for a stroll through the garden. The sun was fairly hot, but the garden was beautiful.

Joining a Book Club.

I’m so excited to be joining a few of my friends for a book club. Books. Friends. Wine. Food. Yes, please!

Book club can drink, book club

Book club, wine

Unexpected trips.

Troy has a last minute unexpected errand to run in Austin today, so we’ve decided to make a day of it. I love visiting my old stomping grounds!


What are your weekend plans? And what are some of your favorite moments from this week?

  • Jana @ The Townhouse Pioneer

    Having others cook breakfast for me is the best. It’s one of the biggest perks of visiting my parents or my in-laws. Especially the bacon at my in-laws’ house. No shame in how much bacon I consume those mornings.

    • Eternally WanderLyn

      Bacon is delicious! I ate so much bacon when the boyfriend’s parents were in town. And I’m not sorry. :)

  • Michael

    A day trip to Austin sounds fun! I’ll be hitting the thrift shop tomorrow then having a mini sleep over with some friends.

    • Eternally WanderLyn

      I love thrift store shopping! And a mini-sleepover sounds like so much fun. I hope you enjoyed yourself! 😀

  • Nadine

    Unexpected trips are always awesome! And a book club sounds really fun. I just got back into reading regularly and I realized that I really missed it!

    • Eternally WanderLyn

      After I cut down to part time I started reading incessantly. I missed it so much! :) Have you been reading any good books?

  • Amy @ The Crazy Wise Woman

    Other than sushi tonight and tennis tommorow a lot of lazin around!!! Woohoo!!!

    Oh and I love bacon!!!

    • Eternally WanderLyn

      Lazy days are the best! And I’m pretty sure I would hurt myself trying to play tennis, so I’ll just go straight to being lazy. :)

  • lisacng

    Great simple moments! No shame in falling asleep at 830. Sometimes, you just gotta. And yummmeeee breakfast each morning. LOL on the bacon. Srly, when IHOP only gives you 2 slices but you can make (and eat) like 10 at home, why do I even go out??? LOL. We have a pool party/housewarming this weekend. Looking forward to hanging out, smelling chlorine and BBQ.

    • Eternally WanderLyn

      Haha. Yes, IHOP needs to learn to give us more bacon! :) A pool party sounds like so much fun! I love summer BBQs and swimming. We actually went tubing over the weekend and it was crazy. I’ve never seen that many people on the river. I hope you had a great weekend. 😀

  • Megan

    You might not have gotten blogging done but that sounds like one hell of a week! Have fun in Austin!

    • Eternally WanderLyn

      Thanks! I always love visiting Austin. :)

  • kathy @ vodka and soda

    sometimes when things get too busy, we just need to walk away and focus on what needs to be done! these past 2wks have been HELL at work and i hardly have time to shit, let alone blog or read blogs. i do the best i can (early AM) but most of the time, comments are left in my inbox (i read them but can’t respond) and my blogging commenting also sucks these days!

    but at least you got people to cook bfast for you – i only got people up my ass demanding shit from me! lol

    Vodka and Soda

    • Eternally WanderLyn

      Haha. Well, I think someone needs to make you breakfast! It’s the least they can do for how hard you’re working these days. I’m still struggling to get back into the swing of blogging. I hope we both get some time to relax soon! 😀

  • Nic

    Having your breakfast cooked for you sounds like bliss. What a great way to spend Troy’s birthday (happy birthday Troy). Hope your trip to Austin was fab xx

    • Eternally WanderLyn

      Thanks! Having breakfast cooked for me was amazing! I really think Troy needs to start doing this for me everyday. Haha.

  • Amanda

    I’ve never been in a book club, before! I like the idea of food and friends!! :)

    • Eternally WanderLyn

      It’s my first time for a book club too! I don’t know if I’m more excited for the food, friends, books, or wine. It might be the wine. Haha.

  • Mariah-Food, Booze, & Baggage

    Sounds like a good way to spend your break. Breakfast cooked every morning, sign me up! :) We had a nice and relaxing weekend this weekend, and got to meet a friend for brunch this morning on her way through town.

    • Eternally WanderLyn

      Relaxing weekends are the best! I had a busy Saturday filled with a relaxing Sunday. It was very much needed. :) I’m glad you had a great weekend.

  • Lisa

    Breakfast is my favorite meal and it’s when I feel the least guilty about pigging out on waffles because I have the whole day to burn it off. Your vacation sounded like it was time well spent!

    • Eternally WanderLyn

      Breakfast is also my favorite meal. I love waffles covered in strawberries or stuffed french toast. Yum! 😀

  • Danielle Eskdale

    My other half NEVER has breakfast and I feel it silly to make something just for me so it’s usually just a bowl of cereal.
    However, if bacon sandwiches are ever on the cards that ecard is the definition of how it goes when I want some of Jakes haha.

    • Eternally WanderLyn

      It’s rare for Troy to eat breakfast too. Plus, he’s usually leaving for work when I’m finishing work in the morning, so it’s just me and a bowl of cereal. Or sometimes I just nap. Haha.