It’s about time that my unplanned blogging hiatus come to an end. Although, a week of relaxation after traveling for concerts, preparing for company, hosting the boy’s parents for a week and celebrating the boy’s birthday was just what the doctor ordered. And by doctor I mean me and my laziness.
Last week, I spent my days getting up at the crack of dawn for work, playing tour guide during the afternoons and enjoying an endless amount of card games at night. By the end of the day, I could barely keep my eyes open and was basically falling into bed at night. One night I unexpectedly passed out at 8:30 PM. When did I become such a grandma?!
My narcoleptic tendencies aside, it was a very tiring, but fun week.
So let’s take a look at some of my favorite moments from my mini blog vacation:
Troy’s Birthday.
Troy and I spent his birthday enjoying our alone time together. After a week of spending time with his family and mine it was much needed. We enjoyed lunch at a new restaurant, a quick browse through the bookstore, spending some of his birthday money on his truck, catching a movie and snuggling up on the couch that night. All in all a very good day indeed.
Homemade Breakfasts.
This was a definite perk of having Troy’s parents here for a week. Most days I had a hot homemade breakfast waiting for me when I finished work in the morning. I loved the fresh aroma of bacon wafting into my office as I closed up shop for the day. Do you think I could convince Troy to make me breakfast before he leaves for work in the mornings?
Botanical Gardens.
Troy and I have been to the gardens before for their movie in the garden series, but we had never looked around. So a visit from his parents was the perfect excuse for a stroll through the garden. The sun was fairly hot, but the garden was beautiful.
Joining a Book Club.
I’m so excited to be joining a few of my friends for a book club. Books. Friends. Wine. Food. Yes, please!
Unexpected trips.
Troy has a last minute unexpected errand to run in Austin today, so we’ve decided to make a day of it. I love visiting my old stomping grounds!
What are your weekend plans? And what are some of your favorite moments from this week?