This post has been revamped from a previous post that I contributed on A Beautiful Exchange in order to share this message with all of you.
In a society where success is often measured in cars, houses, jobs and wealth, it is becoming increasingly common to lose ourselves in our quest for glory. We become so focused on trying to ascend the professional ladder and building the perfect life that we lose sight of all the little things that once brought us joy. Date night, snuggles with your fur babies and drinks with your friends become things of the past. Who has time for all of that when you’re on the path to greatness?
Our vision becomes warped by the images of perfection implanted in our minds, while our lives become stressed by the desire to turn those visions into reality. We want a Pinterest perfect home filled with all the things – TVs, laptops, iPads, etc. We want to be world travelers jet setting across the globe. And we want a picture perfect wardrobe to cover that awesome body we’re working towards. But what if we already have everything we need? What if the secret to our happiness is just realizing what is right in front of us?
Sitting here, in my sparsely decorated home that is the epitome of a Pinterest before photo, I have everything I need. And so do you. For that, we should be grateful.
Making time to remember all the things we already have can help us find peace, love and acceptance for the life that we are already living. So let’s tune out all of our desires and wants for a moment and take some time to focus on gratitude.
How to focus on gratitude:
1. Breathe.
When life’s stresses are bringing you down, hit the pause button. Take a walk around the office or neighborhood. And just remember to breathe. This will help you clear your mind allowing you to refocus your thoughts.
2. Refocus.
Refocus your thoughts onto everything you have – family, health, home, strength, faith, etc. Remembering all the wonderful people and things you already have in your life will remind you that things are actually pretty good.
3. Write a list of everything you’re grateful for.
Take the time to create a list of all the things you are thankful for. When you feel stressed by the need to succeed, pull out this list and read it. By the end, your struggles for glory won’t seem so important.
4. Remember there are many kinds of success.
Success doesn’t have to mean having a large home with the perfect job and family. Success can be learning to compromise with your spouse, perfecting your patience with your children, nailing that Pinterest craft or making someone smile. So remember to appreciate all your little daily successes, big and small.
5. Just repeat, “I have everything I need.”
When all else fails, look in the mirror and repeat, “I have everything I need.” These 5 words will help you remember that your life is already meeting your needs. Everything else is just extra.
What are you grateful for? And what tips do you have for focusing on gratitude?